SNA2007 has been appointed to Squadron Training Officer

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SNA2007 has been appointed to Squadron Training Officer

Post by Tiger »

Congratulations SNA2007!

You have stepped up in Redjoy's absence and you have done an awesome job. I believe that it is only right that you should be the Squadron Training Officer. Redjoy has been promoted to Group Training Officer, so upon his return the two of you will work together to provide the squadron the training that is required.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your service to the squadron.

Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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Re: SNA2007 has been appointed to Squadron Training Officer

Post by SNA2007 »


Thank you, although I think the pilots flying deserve more credit. Anyone can talk and talk about what you should be doing, but it takes attentive students with a willingness to implement to make it work.
Major SNA2007
Squadron Training Officer
1st Pursuit Squadron, =AVG=


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